Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Real Concert King's Top Albums of 2019

Well another year has come and gone and that means it's time for my not-at-all-timely Top Albums of the Year list! This year I'm actually going to do something different, since it marked the end of a decade, I decided to also do a Top Albums of the Decade list. Due to being busy with my two jobs and the other list also taking a fair amount of work, I made this list a little shorter than the usual 20-25 albums, and I usually write about a handful or so of the albums but I scaled back on that this year because I find it difficult to describe music and these lists have already taken so long to publish. 

As usual, I picked a song (or a few) from each album that I recommend you give a listen to get a feel for the album and hopefully entice you to check out the whole thing. 

These lists are always tricky to put together because inevitably I feel like things could have been shifted around later, or I'll discover stuff that I wasn't aware of when I put the list together.  This is by no means a comprehensive list of all the great albums that were released last year, there was some incredible music that didn't make the list.

I made a Spotify playlist of all the "Check Out" songs embedded below that you can find here.

Feel free to let me know what you agree or disagree with and which albums you think I missed and might need to check out.  Without further ado, I present my list of the top albums of 2019! 

The Top 15 Albums of 2019